Are everyday routines causing your body to be out of balance?
Are you sitting at your desk all day, a busy parent or involved in sport or heavy lifting?
Bowen Technique is one of the most versatile and effective therapeutic treatments available today offering significant relief for many conditions.
Although musculoskeletal problems such as frozen shoulder, back and neck pain account for the majority of conditions that Bowen treats, it can also be helpful with more organic problems such as migraine, hormone health, stress and sleep issues.
Bowen is safe to use on anyone, from newborn babies to the elderly. It is a holistic treatment that aims to treats the whole person and the cause of the problem, rather than just the symptoms.
After taking a comprehensive case history, treatment will consist of a series of gentle moves on the skin, or through light clothing, with you usually lying on a treatment couch, although it is possible to be treated seated. A session usually lasts up to an hour and frequently results in a deep sense of relaxation helping the body to recharge and balance itself.
During the treatment, I may leave the room for up to two minutes after each sequence to allow time for the body to respond to the treatment, and for the necessary changes to occur before commencing the next sequence of moves.
Bowen is not an ongoing therapy. You may experience relief after just the first session, and significant resolution within three sessions. However, chronic or long-standing conditions, or repeat injury, may require additional treatments, and if symptoms do not resolve advice from your doctor should be sought.