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Complementary Therapies - Abingdon Oxfordshire | Seasons of Change

Complementary Therapies

Uplift – Relax – Unwind

“When you touch one thing with deep awareness, you touch everything.”

Lao Tzu

Aromatouch Massage

AromaTouch is a massage where essential oils are applied to the neck, shoulders, back and feet to produce a whole-body wellbeing experience.

Bowen Technique

Bowen is a series of gentle moves over connective tissue throughout the body where muscles are reset to help the body feel and move better.


Reflexology is a treatment that restores the body’s natural balance, relieves stress and promotes a feeling of relaxation.


Reiki is an energy healing practice which promotes healing by activating the relaxation response and helping the body to balance itself.

Prices for therapies:
  • Aromatouch: £50 per treatment
  • Reflexology: £40 per treatment
  • Reiki: £40 per treatment
  • Bowen: £135 for three treatments.

100% Pure Essential Oils